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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Three Cute Personalized Dog Christmas Ornaments

Dog CHristmas ornaments personalized

I confess: We have cats.

Three of them, in fact.

Still, both my husband and I grew up with dogs: He had a beloved reddish-blond cocker spaniel named Rusty, and I had a black cocker spaniel named Ebony.

Well, Ebony was really my mother's dog, but I still remember going to the breeder to pick her out before she was even old enough to come home with us, putting cayenne pepper on our furniture so she would stop chewing it, and taking her for many many many walks over the years, so it feels like she was at least partly mine.

Anyway, the point is that even cat owners like us can appreciate a good dog and realize how cute these personalized dog Christmas ornaments are. I think my favorite of the three is the one with the snowman family and the dogs. It would make a great gift!


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